Thursday, January 19, 2012


Where do you think they're going?


  1. Shirley, I think they're headed home! But I sure wish I could scoop them up and bring them here with me! How I love this piece! Although, what am I saying? I love all your work! :)

  2. This is so sweet! You have a gorgeous illustration style.

  3. Across the sea to reach me! :)) Hey why's just across the Atlantic and then through The Strait of Gibraltar across the Mediterranean and up northern Adriatic :) It would be a yourney of their lifetime, imagine all the adventures they'd encounter along their way?! :)))

  4. O my goodness, Shirley...your illustrations just get cuter and cuter! I love these little paddling guys! :)

  5. So cute! But also really intriguing. I really do want to know where they are headed. They seem a bit lost to me as if they did not have a choice to go on this adventure. Perhaps a flood and now they must find a new home or a lost family member?

    BTW the water looks AWESOME

  6. I hope we're all going to the beach for my birthday! heehee! Enjoy your weekend! I love your art! ♥♥♥

  7. Wonderful! There's such a hopeful quality to this that's so lovely! Hmm...maybe they're going on a picnic?

  8. oooooo, love this Shirley. The water is so beautiful and the little bears are sooooooo cute. They are headed to an island to pick berries for a special pie :)... because little bears love pie!

  9. Pfffffft. That's a silly question. To Marshmallow Island, of course.

    Oh gee. I hope they're not padding in circles....

    BeYOOOOOOtiful!!! I love the flow of colors in the water. And the bears, the BEARS! I could squeeze them all!

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. Well I hope they're not about to go over the edge of that waterfall!! Lovely illustration Shirley - the water is just beautiful and the little bears adorable!

  11. Oh how sweet! Perhaps they are going to a beautiful happy place where the sun always shines and the grass is always green. :)

  12. Aw, too cute. I hope they are headed somewhere warmer than here! :)

  13. Awww...they are so sweet and cuddly:)
    Must say, Great effort by the lil bears:)

    ps: Finally got to comment:))))

  14. Awwww.... they all are so adorable - your characters always have the highest cuddling-factor (is that a correct word... I hope you understand what I mean).

  15. Heh, ah gee I must have had my head stuck in the sand for ages. How did I miss this? Your water glows Shirley, you have such a delicate touch! And I love how each bear is just doing something, they all have their own separate lives and personalities. That's so good.

    Obviously they are heading to the bear pub!

    Four bears in a boat
    Rub a dub dub.
    Paddling their way
    To the pub, pub, PUB!

    (for a glass of soda water)


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