Friday, September 18, 2015

Win a copy of Kathleen Fucci's Emily Lost Someone She Loved!

It is with great pleasure that I'm hosting a book giveaway
for Kathleen Fucci's beautiful and heartfelt debut book,

Emily Lost Someone She Loved

At the beginning of the year, I received a phone call from Kathleen who inquired about working together on her first book in a series of books titled Hope for Kids in Crisis. Kathleen Fucci, of Kathleen Fucci Ministries, presented her story which spoke of loss, specifically of a child's grief from a loss of a parent. Her personal story combined with her heartfelt and hope-filled words, as well as my personal desire to share compassion to those who've experienced or are going through loss compelled me to illustrate this wonderful book. It is an honor to be a part of this project, and I'm truly hopeful that this book and the series will help a lot of children through difficult times.

Kathleen explains: “Losing a loved one, at any age, is devastating. But for a child, it can lead to fears, insecurities, bitterness, loneliness, isolationism and estrangement from God – scars that can last a lifetime. I hope this book will be a resource for both the grieving child and surviving parent or caregiver. It’s a book that can be read over and over again, restoring faith in God and hope for the future.”

Here are the details to win a copy of this lovely book:

1) Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things we have gone or will go through. In the spirit of compassion and hope for those who continue to or are grieving still, please take a moment to honor someone you or someone else has lost by taking a moment of silence for them. Then, please comment at this blog or on my facebook post here , and if you'd like to post a name, a story, or a wish, that would be wonderful, too!

2) Take a moment to visit Kathleen and if you wish to purchase a copy, you can at this link:  
(it's a bit cheaper than via Amazon) : )

3) You have 'til 9/30 midnight PST to enter. I will post the random winner on 10/1/2015.

Thanks friends, and I'm cheering for Kathleen and her series of books to help so many people through her compassionate stories of hope.

Facebook: (Kathleen Fucci Ministries)
Twitter:  (KF_Ministries)
Instagram: (KF_Ministries)


  1. Thank you for addressing a sensitive and important topic in a way that bolsters trust in God for the days ahead.The illustrations are tender and precious!

    1. Kathleen sure did a beautiful job writing on such an important topic. Thanks so much for your very kind words!

  2. Congratulations for working on such a beautiful project. Your illustrations are always a pleasure to see and I hope this book goes to whomever it will help the most.

    1. Thanks so very much Linda! I appreciate that very much.

  3. I can't wait to read this. I know so many people dear to me who lost loved ones at very young and tender ages. I would like to read this perspective. Your illustrations are so tender Shirley and it is a perfect style for this topic.

    1. Ces, I hope you'll enjoy the story for it is a hope-filled and tender book so lovingly written. I am so sorry to hear that you know so many who've lost loved ones at such a young age! Thanks so much for being such a wonderful friend thru the years! Tsup!

  4. Would love to win this beautiful book. In honor of my sweet mother-in-law Barbara...such a beautiful and Godly woman. Can't wait to see her again one day.

    1. Phyllis, Barbara sounds to be such a lovely soul. Best of luck and thank you for your friendship and support of my work through the years!

  5. Oh Alexandra, I do remember that period of time for you..I'm hopeful that as time passes, the pain of loss is lessened and filled with memories of joy and peace. I agree re: the similarities of loss for a child of divorce and would imagine it's common for children to feel that pain and sadness. Kudos indeed to Kathleen, and thank so much for your very kind words!!

  6. LOVE the illustrations on the cover of this book! My Dad & I got close the last year of his life & I miss "The Old StoryTeller!"
    Would love to win this book. I'd share it with others as well.
    Grandma Nancy in central IL

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Nancy! I appreciate it!

  7. OOH OOOH OOOOOOOOH!!!!! WOOOHOOO, Shirley!!! Congrats!!!! Your beautiful illustrations are perfect for this book, just the right mixture of whimsy and tenderness and all around wonderful. I am sooooooo over the moon for you!!!!

    This sounds like a great book. When my husband passed, my daughters were 7 and 10. My older daughter still has occasional bouts of deep grief. A lot of kids will be comforted by this story and your lovely pictures. Congrats again! xoxo

    1. Bella! Gosh, you know how to make a girl blush..thank you SO very much, your kind words mean so much to me. It must be one of the hardest losses imaginable to lose a parent at such a young age..I'm hopeful you're right about the comfort from this book and I'm sending you and your daughters giant hugs.

  8. Picking the winner now...stay tuned! :)


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