...and she taught me how to make the perfect pie crust trim by using two knuckles from both hands and rotating the crust to create the zig-zag mark. I still think of it as pure magic. It's one of the many gifts she gave me and I consider myself one very very blessed person to have a mom who loved me, my brothers and my dad SO very much. I miss you mom, it's been 3 years but it's just as though it was yesterday that I called you up to say hi and hear your voice. Thank you mom, for filling up my heart with so much love.
I feel doubly blessed to be a mom to two amazing daughters who bring me an abundance of happiness and joy. Wishing my sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, my dear friends who are awesome moms, grandmothers, mothers-to-be, moms past and present, a very happy day today...we celebrate you!
Happy Mother's Day, Shirley! What a lovely illustration of a special time with your mama!